Need an affordable Taxi or Delivery in Central Arkansas?

Download "Caddo Cab Request a Ride". Enter the pick up and drop off location, accept estimated Fare and order a car. If no cars in your neighborhood simply call 501 900 TAXI (8294). Caddo Cab is based in Morrilton, Arkansas and our main pick up area, aside from Morrilton, are surrounding cities like Perry, Perryville, Plumerville, Atkins, Blackwell, Hattiville and Conway. Due to dropping off passengers in the greater Little Rock area don't hesitate to call dispatch if outside mentioned areas.


Caddo Cab pricing and general info

What will CADDO CAB charge me for a Ride or Delivery? Other then a base charge of $5, only $1 per mile plus 34 cents a minute for an Economy car (same size as for instance Uber X) and $2 per mile for a large vehicle (XL). As a Rural Taxi Dispatch Service our minimum charge is $20 for Economy or XL Cab or Deliveries. Higher prices applies (x1.5) between 9 pm and 6 am as well as during high demand or severe weather. Our App will give you the estimated total cost, excluding traffic jam or extra stops requested by passenger. When ordering a Delivery enter the address for the pick up of the item and of course drop off location. Once a Driver has confirmed the Request simply use the App to Call or Text the Driver any additional information around what we are picking up etcetera. A pickup outside of Faulkner and Conway Country may generate an additional cost that will be discussed BEFORE starting the Trip. We reserve the right to require pre-payment for longer Trips and Deliveries. For additional questions or concerns use the Contact link at the bottom of this page, Call or Text our Dispatch number - 501 900 TAXI (501 900 8294)



1-4 People



1-6 People



Delivery or Errands